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Lola became part of my family the day I went in to meet her for the first time. A beautiful tuxedo cat with vivid green eyes was only part of the story. She came to me, sprawled on my lap and proceeded to embark on 15 years as my beloved love noodle. She had long hair and the most adorable toe fur (also known as feathers). Lola met me at the door everyday when I got home and would follow me from room to room anytime I was with her.

There were two standing jokes about Lola. The first being a play on Will Roger’s line, Lola never met a lap she didn’t like. All visitors to her domain were required to pay the kitty tax upon arrival. The second was invariably upon hearing her name people would automatically assume Lola’s name came from one of two songs; “Copacabana” (B. Manilow) or “Lola” (The Kinks). I always said it told me a lot about people.

Lola made me laugh, let me cry into her fur and kept me from feeling lonely during 15 long years. At the age of 19 on Mother’s Day this year I had to let my sweet girl go. I miss the sound of her furry padded feet.

The Story of Lola