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Here at SAFE Haven we meet hundreds of cats and although there are many similarities with each of these kitty’s stories, we’re consistently blown away with their distinct personalities and resiliency. Pumpkin is no exception!

Pumpkin arrived at SAFE Haven in early December. She was very thin, covered in fleas, and had a severe upper respiratory infection that caused damage to her corneas. Upper respiratory infections are like severe colds and if left untreated can be serious and life threatening. The SAFE Care Clinic immediately went to work on getting her better, starting her on antibiotics and eye medications.

After just two weeks of treatment she made a full recovery from the infection and her wonderful kitten personality came to life! She was left with scars on her eyes that will likely stay with her for the rest of her life, but she doesn’t seem bothered by them at all! She’s quickly adapted to the love and attention from the staff and is returning that love with cuddles and little mews.

Pumpkin arrived as a sick kitten with little energy but is now full of spirit ready for her new home thanks to the hard work of staff and support from the community! You can help cats like Pumpkin by donating to SAFE Haven for Cats!