Looking To Do More For Cats?! Here Is Your Chance!
Consider donating an item to the Silent Auction or becoming a sponsor of the Tuxedo Cat Ball!
Donate An Auction ItemWe need all sorts of good stuff to add to our live and silent auctions at the Tuxedo Cat Ball. Previous donations have included gift cards, framed UNC-Chapel Hill Basketball jerseys, gift baskets featuring branded items, artwork, event tickets, and more. Auction items are tax-deductible and a great way to demonstrate your commitment to protecting the cats in our community.
Download the donation form here to set up your auction donation today.
Become A SponsorGet your name in front of an audience of over 350 event attendees and over 40,000 website users by sponsoring the Tuxedo Cat Ball! Your donation or sponsorship helps save cat lives in the Triangle and demonstrates the community engagement that customers want to see in 2019.
You’ll see below the list of individuals and companies who have already stepped forward to sponsor the 2019 Tuxedo Cat Ball. Your name could be there, among the sponsors who have already shown that they care about the Triangle and animal welfare.
As a sponsor, you have the opportunity to:
- Reach over 122,000 people via SAFE Haven for Cat’s digital communications
- Add your logo to the Tuxedo Cat Ball webpage
- Be featured in the SAFE Haven print newsletter that goes to 8,000 Triangle supporters
- Receive recognition on SAFE Haven’s popular and active social media channels, reaching over 70,000 users
Secure your sponsorship level by clicking here. Don’t miss this opportunity!
Join us for the
Tuxedo Cat Ball
Friday, April 12
7:00 pm
North Ridge Country Club in Raleigh
We invite you to join us for a night of fantastic food, music and spirited bidding on live and silent auction items.