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Scratching is normal cat behavior. It serves to help cats groom their front claws and leave marks on your cat’s kingdom. Scratching also helps cats stretch their muscles, but damage to furniture or the beloved wood around your house is a bummer. You can live with your tiny tiger in peace! Scratching posts are the solution, giving your cat an acceptable spot to fully scratch and groom themselves.

Where should I put my scratching post?
Place the post in an accessible area of the house—not in the back of the laundry room or closet. If the cat is scratching a particular piece of furniture or carpet, place the post next to that furniture or over that piece of carpet and slowly move it (about 3 inches per day) to the desired location.

How tall should my cat’s scratching post be?
Most cats prefer posts that are at least 2.5 to 3.5 feet tall (30-42 inches). Many cats prefer a vertical scratching post, but some prefer horizontal ones. Experiment to find their favorite. If you choose a vertical post, make sure it’s sturdy so the cat doesn’t push the post over.

What’s the best scratching post material for my cat?
Sisal fabric is popular for its heavy-duty material and satisfying sensation for scratching cats. Some cats prefer sisal ropes, cardboard, wood or even loop carpets. Don’t be afraid to experiment with material to find the best post for your cat.

How do I get my cat to use its scratching post?
Entice your cat to use the post by rubbing catnip on it and holding treats or toys partway up the post to encourage stretching and scratching. You can attach an appealing toy, such as feathers, at the top of the post. Reward your kitty for every interaction with the scratching post—as the cat approaches the post, touches it and finally scratches it.

How do I stop my cat from inappropriate scratching?
Placing double-sided sticky tape or aluminum foil on inappropriate areas can help deter scratching. Cats don’t like the feel of these materials on their feet and this helps direct the cat to the post. Spray bottles with water and cans of pennies or nails can also help redirect inappropriate scratching behavior.

Happy scratching!